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A DIY Route from Airports to USC

Release date:2021-05-18 Page views:

1. From the Airports To Railway Station:

1.1 From Guangzhou Baiyun Airport To GuangzhouNan (South Guangzhou Railway Station):

Come out with your luggage and take the subway to GuangzhouNan (广州南站). You are to make a transfer in the subway.

Arriving at the station, you are supposed to buy on the first floor the train ticket to HengyangDong (East Hengyagn station,衡阳东站). It costs RMB 244 yuan. Go to the ticket hall and show your passport and the following sign to the clerk.

Then go upstairs to check in. It will take about 2 hours to arrive at Hengyangdong, There may be one or two stops in between.

1.2 From Changsha Huanghua Airport To ChangshaNan (South Changsha Railway Station):                    

Come out with your luggage and take the taxi to Changshanan high speed train station(长沙南站). It costs about 50 yuan.

Arriving at the station, you are supposed to buy on the first floor the train ticket to HengyangDong. Go to the ticket hall and show your passport and the sign above to the clerk. It costs RMB 80 yuan.

Then go upstairs to check in. It will take about 40 minutes to take a nonstop train to Hengyang, or 47 minutes to take a train with one stop in between.

2. After aboard the Train

Keep the ticket to check out. Listen to the broadcast. It is bilingual, in Chinese and English. Tell or show your neighbor that you are going to Hengyangdong (衡阳东站) to remind you of the arrival.

Get off the train and follow other passengers to the exit(Take the elevator downward if you have bulks of luggage). Turn left to the bus Station. Take the Bus No.145 and show the driver and other passengers the following sign. The fare is 2 yuan (If you prefer a taxi, turn right. It costs no more than 50 yuan.)

(I am going to University of South China, please remind me of getting off at No 6 Nuclear Research Institute. Thanks.)

Get off the bus and walk ahead 100 meters (in the direction of the bus going), and you are at the gate of the University with the following Characters, and the security man at the gate is ready to help you.


 1. Be sure that you have on you some money in RMB

2. Watch your wallet and all important documents all the way.

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