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22 programs listed in the “first-rate” programs construction Project
2019-06-27 11:16 idusc 

Twenty-two undergraduate programs have been listed in the“first-rate” programs construction project by the Education Department of Hunan Province, ranked 3 in terms of number, according to the document released by the EDHP.

There are 348 programs listed in the Project from the province-adminstrated colleges and uinversities in Hunan. The porject is designated to building the listed programs as candidates for the state-level first rate programs in the near future. 

The programs are as follows

1 核工程与核技术

1. Nuclear Engineering and Technology

2 核物理

2. Nuclear physics

3 建筑环境与能源应用工程

3. Building Environment and Energy Applications

4 土木工程

4. Civil Engineering

5 给排水科学与工程

5. Water supply and drainage science and Engineering

6 安全工程

6. Safety Engineering

7 矿物资源工程

7. Mineral Resources Engineering

8 资源勘查工程

8. Resource Exploration Engineering

9 临床医学

9. Clinical medicine

10 护理学

10. Nursing

11 预防医学

11. Preventive medicine

12 卫生检验与检疫

12. Health inspection and quarantine

13 药学

13. Pharmacy

14 工商管理

14. Business Administration

15 国际经济与贸易

15. International economy and trade

16 会计学

16. Accounting

17 电子信息工程

17. Electronic Information Engineering

18 机械设计制造及其自动化

18. Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation

19 化学工程与工艺

19. Chemical Engineering and Techniques

20 制药工程

20. Pharmaceutical Engineering

21 软件工程

21. Software Engineering

22 英语

22. English

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